Valpo/Viña, Chile

Travel date March 2020

Street Art Capital of Chile

When traveling to Chile, don’t miss out on the exciting coastal cities of Valparaíso and Viña Del Mar. Valparaíso and Viña del Mar are only about 2 hours in bus from Santiago. They are right next to each other, so you can experience them both. Here, you can find miles of beaches, colorful street art, and amazing culture. Welcome to Valparaíso and Viña Del Mar.

Street art in Valparaíso grandma
Street art in Valparaíso

Transportation in Valpo/Viña

Viña Del Mar and Valparaíso are connected by a metro. All you need to do is buy a metro card which can be bought in any metro station.

Unfortunately, the metro will not get you to many tourist attractions. There is also a bus system that can help.

The bus system in Chile is a bit complicated. While there are bus stops, a bus will most likely stop anywhere you are if you lift up your hand to signal the bus driver. Once on the bus, you can pay the bus driver. They only accept cash or coins (small bills). A bus trip will usually cost less than 1 dollar. There is no special bus card and you cannot pay with a credit card. Once you pay, find a seat or hold on because the bus will start moving, fast! Bus drivers in Chile are crazy. They drive super fast and sometimes even with the doors open. If you want to get off the bus, you have to touch the button and get off quick when the bus stops.

TIP: Be careful of theft on buses and metros. Try not to take out your phone and make sure to keep your purse or backpack in front of you.

TIP: There are many people that come into the bus and metro to try to sell small items like candies or drinks. This is illegal in Chile, but it happens all the time. It is also illegal to buy from them. I would recommend not buying from these people.

For the Beach Bums

Looking for a relaxing day at the beach? Want to learn how to surf? Hoping to see a beautiful sunset over the ocean? Look no more! Viña del Mar and Valparaíso are both costal cities that will satisfy your vacation plans. Valparaíso is the major port of Chile, so the beaches are better for swimming a little bit more north in Viña and Reñaca.

TIP: In Chile, the seasons are opposite of the Northern Hemisphere. So, the summer season is from December-March. Spend a Christmas on the beach!

Along the Coast

  • Castillo Wulff: Beautiful castle that overlooks the ocean. Stop and take pictures and walk around.

  • Muelle Vergara: Enjoy a beautiful sunset from this dock. Walk along the beach and dip your toes in the water.

  • Reñaca beaches: Reñaca is another city close to Viña Del Mar. These beaches tend to be cleaner and more popular for swimming. There are also many restaurants near by!

Sunset over the ocean
Sunset over the Pacific Ocean
  • Dunas de Concón: Spend the afternoon hiking up the sand dunes! I recommend renting a sand board and going sand boarding (like snow boarding but on sand!). Stay to watch the gorgeous sunset over the ocean.

  • Playa La Boca Concon: This beach is super popular for surfing. Rent a surfboard and suit for a very reasonable price.

  • Playa Las Cujas: Beautiful beach about an hour and a half north of Viña del Mar

TIP: Many beaches in Chile have stray dogs wondering around. They are usually harmless, but give them food or pet them and they might follow you home. Also, watch out for dog poop on the beach!

For the outdoorsy people

  • Jardín Botánico Nacional de Viña Del Mar: Take a bus ride out to Viña’s botanical garden. There is a small entry fee. Spend the day enjoying the beautiful nature and wildlife inside.
The turtles in the botanical garden
Jardín Botánico Nacional
  • Laguna Sausalito: Take a stroll around this gorgeous lagoon. Right outside Viña center.

  • Quinta Vergara: Roam around this park in Viña Del Mar. There is a museum inside the park and a concert stadium where they hold the famous Viña Del Mar concert every summer.

  • Paseo 21 de Mayo de Valparaíso: Valparaíso is the city of hills! It’s like the San Francisco of Chile. Paseo 21 de Mayo is a lookout that overlooks the port of Valparaíso. You can walk or take the funicular.

What more?

  • Reloj de Flores de Viña Del Mar: Right in between Viña and Valparaíso is a flower clock! And the clock works!

  • Casa Museo La Sebastiana: Enter one of Pablo Neruda’s houses and learn about the Chilean poet’s life.

  • Escalera Piano: Take a picture with these famous piano painted stairs. Walk around and enjoy the incredible street art painted on the buildings.

Escalera Piano
Piano stairs

For the Wine-Os

In my unbiased opinion, Chile is home to the best wine in the world. Take a day trip exploring the vineyards of Casablanca. Unfortunately, there is no public transportation that will bring you to a vineyard. You will have to arrange a tour, take a taxi, or rent a car.

Once you are in the region of Casablanca, you have many options for different vineyards. Each one will offer a tour and tasting. Tours and tastings are relatively cheap and quite interesting. Tours are usually offered in Spanish or English.

I recommend not buying a bottle of wine at the vineyard. It will most likely be expensive. But, do not leave Chile without bringing a bottle or two of wine in your suitcase. Fantastic wine can be bought at any local grocery store.

Inside the vineyard
Wine Cellar

A comer

You cannot leave Chile without having at least 10 empanadas. My favorite are oven baked empanadas, but many prefer the fried ones. Either way, be sure to try the “pino” empanada. This is the traditional empanada of Chile that contains onion, beef, egg, and a black olive. Not your taste? No worries. There are plenty of options, from seafood to vegetables to fruit, that will be sure to satisfy everyone.

Be sure to embrace the culture with a Piscola or Pisco Sour. Pisco is the national liquor of Chile and is traditionally mixed with Coca Cola or made into a lemon cocktail.

Restaurants recommended by friends and myself:

  • JarBar Viña: rooftop bar

  • Helados Coletti: Delicious ice cream

  • Tierra de Fuego: Fancy restaurant near the coast

  • Idílico Restobar: Pizzas, burgers, and big mojitos

  • Rockola Diner: Typical American diner

  • Café Journal: Seafood

  • A Mano Gin and Burgers: Burgers

  • Pizzeria Ecuador: Fantastic pizza

  • Delicias Express: Empanadas