Paris, France

Travel date January 2023

Exploring Paris

Welcome to Paris! The city of love. The fashion capital of the world. The home of delicious pastries, the Eiffel Tower, and tons of museums. For this trip, you need about 4-6 days. Pack your bags and Bon Vonyage!

Best Views in Paris

The best views of the city come from 2 places:

  1. Lafayette Partners: This is a huge department store. Skip the shopping and go straight to the terrace! Spend some time taking in the view and taking some amazing pictures. The nice thing about Paris is that the buildings are not so high, so you can see the whole city! Within the department store there is also a cool stain glassed dome in the center to look up at.
  2. Basílica del Sacre Coeur: This is a cathedral in which you can go inside for free. I didn’t go inside the church because the view from that point is incredible. You can take the funicular up using a metro ticket (you’ll need another metro ticket if you want to take it down). You can also walk up the stairs. Make sure to walk around and take in the views when you get up there. There is a small garden and cute streets. Be aware of pickpockets!
View of Paris from Eiffel Tower
Bird’s Eye View from Eiffel Tower

Bon Appétit!

TIP: Try a sandwich from a sandwich shop! The menus usually come with a sandwich, drink, and a dessert for about 10-12 euros! Great deal and delicious!

  • L’Annexe (outside Sainte-Chapelle) (cafe)
  • La Cour de Rome (near Lafayette Partners) (cafe)
  • Fresh Burritos saint - Lazare (near Lafayette Partners and Saint – Lazare metro station) (tacos)

TIP: Be sure to eat lots of pastries! Especially Macarons and Merveilleuxs

TIP: Do not pay more than 2 euros for a macaron! It’s not worth it. A cheaper macaron is just as delicious!

Moving around Paris

Public transportation is not as difficult as it looks. Try it out! Use google maps! The city is well connected by metro and bus. I never took a taxi or tour bus.

In the metro stations, there should be a machine to purchase tickets. Each ticket (ticket t+) is 2.10 euros. If you buy a bono of 10 ticket, it is 19.10 euros. The tickets can be used ONLY IN PARIS, in the bus, metro, RER, and T.

TIP: These tickets cannot be used to go to the airports or to Versailles. You need a special ticket for these destinations. See more information on getting to Versailles.

The tickets are small and easy to lose. Don’t lose them! You are supposed to have 1 hour and 30 minutes to use the same tickets for a connection.

BE ADVISED: Often, the machines where you pass through do not work. Also, you will often see people jumping over the rail for that reason.

The Eiffel Tower

It is best to buy tickets in advance. You can also get them there, but you’ll have to wait in a longer line. You can enter through entrance 1 or entrance 2, there is no difference. Also, I think it’s best to get there first thing in the morning. There are less people, and you have more time after to explore the city!

You have 2 options. You can go to the 2nd floor (which also includes the 1st floor) or you can go to the top floor (which includes the 2nd and 1st floor)

2nd floor access:

  • Adults (25+): 18.10 euros (with elevator)
  • Youth: (12-24) : 9 euros (with elevator)

TIP: Take the elevator, there are a ton of stairs. You can always take the stairs down.

TIP: You get a great view from the 2nd floor. I don’t think the top floor is worth it. Also, the top floor is often closed for events and weather conditions.

TIP: It is really windy and cold when you go up. Come prepared. (Especially in the winter)

There are restaurants and cafes on the second and first floors. It is pretty expensive and not very good. But, the view is nice from the restaurant on the first floor. You can spend as much time as you want inside the tower.

A nice place to see and take pictures of the Eiffel Tower is right across the street from it. It is called Place du Trocadero. It has the best view of the Eiffel Tower. It is great to visit at night when the tower is lit up. Every hour in the evening the Eiffel Tower has special lights that sparkle. This lasts for 5 minutes.

Eiffel Tower Nighttime
View of Eiffel Tower from Place du Trucadero

Palace of Versailles

To escape from the chaos of Paris, spend a day in the city of Versailles, just a little outside of Paris.

Getting to Versailles

Take the C train in direction to Versailles-Chateau Rive Gauche. Take the train until the end of the line.

IMPORTANT: DO NOT get on the train without a special ticket. You need a special ticket to go to Versailles from Paris. This ticket costs about 7 euros round trip. You CANNOT use the normal Paris ticket. You can buy these in the machine or ask at the ticket counter. I repeat- DO NOT leave Paris without a special Versailles ticket.

The palace

TIP: Get tickets in advance. They are 19.50 euros. Guests 18 years and under get in free. (Also any European resident 25 years and under can enter for free). I don’t recommend the audio guide unless you want to know EVERYTHING.

Versailles is a big palace with many paintings, sculptures, and art inside. The most famous part to see is the Hall of Mirrors. I also recommend the gardens. In the winter, it’s not so beautiful. But I’m sure in the summer and spring it would be gorgeous. The gardens are free for everyone to walk through.